Pencet kebawah..
Artinya loe cakep..
1x lagi..
Loe juga baik..
1x lagi..
Loe menarik..
Begitu pencet lagi kebawah..
Orang jelek emang gitu..
Sekali dipuji ngarep terus.. hehehe..
Lagu wajib anak sekolah..
Satu-satu ayo njikok watu..
Dua-dua balangke pak guru..
Tiga-tiga ayo podo mlayu..
Satu Dua Tiga..
Sesok rasah mlebu.hahaha..
Kuis pahala dan dosa..
Menangkan 3 unit mobil jenasah,
Liburan Kealam barzah,
Serta dapatkan cendera mata,
Sepasang batu nisan..
Pengambilan hadiah
Kirimkan data-data dosa anda.hehehe..
Sunguh qu cinta kau..
Siang.. Malem.. Slalu teringat..
Sentuhan lembutmu dibibirku..
Nggak ada yang lain selain dirimu..
Dari sekian banyak pilihan..
Hanya kamu INDOMIE seleraku..
Katanya bulan itu indah..??
Tapi Bukan bagiku,
Katanya bintang itu indah..??
Tapi Bukan bagiku,
Yang indah bagiku bumi.
Mau tau kenapa..??
Coz dibumi..
Terdapat orang yang ku sayang sepertimu.
Tatap aku dengan penuh perasaan..
Tatap bintang dengan penuh kebahagiyaan..
Tatap cinta dengan penuh kemesraan..
Ketatap lawang.. sumpah luoro tenan..
Nek ra percoyo cobonen.hehehe..
BIBIR itu kaya COKLAT..
Digigit nikmat..
Diemut.. Lezat..
Apalagi kalau dilumat..
Beeh dahsyat..
Tapi ingat sobat,
Dari pada terus-terusan maksiat mending tobat,
Ingat KIAMAT sudah dekat.
Perut mules..
Karena makan mangga..
SMS nggak Dibales..
Pasti nggak ada pulsa.hahaha..
Kita pernak melakukanya..
Saat Berdiri.. Saat Duduk.. Saat dikamar..
Tapi yang paling enak.. Saat tiduran..
Itulah cara kita melakukan SMS'an.hehe..
Masih ingat saat kau lewat depan rumahku..??
Wajahmu yang manis,
Merubah suasana yang sepi menjadi rame,
Sambil mengyuh sepeda ontel mu,
Kau berkata.. "Rosok2e bu..!!
Ember pecah, panci borot.. Kulo tumbase." hehe..
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Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Yoon Uen Hye Memakai Gaun
Yoon Uen Hye adalah Artis/bintang Film Drama Asia atau Korea, Si Cantik ini karirnya sudah sangat cemerlang didunia perFilman Drama di Asia, Dibuktikan nya dengan sering nya ia muncul dan membintangi Film-film drama Asia di korea, ia juga pernah bermain dalam Film Drama My Fair Lady dan Film Copy Print, dan kedua-dua Film tersebut si cantik ini menjadi bintang utama wanita nya.
Yoon Uen Hye bukan hanya mempunyai wajah yang cantik, tubuh yang seksi namun juga mempunyai talentanya/bakat dalam ber-akting, hebatnya..??

Artis Korea Memakai Gaun Pesta
Artis wanita korea yang sedang memakai baju/gaun pesta pada saat menghadiri acara resmi di korea, Artis ternama korea ini seperti : Kim So Yeon, Yoo Eun Hye, Su Ah, Kim Min Sun, Choi Yeon, dan Eugene Kim.
Dan ini lara-duka hadirkan Foto Seksi Artis Korea Memakai Gaun Pesta, Mereka kelihatan sangan cantik, anggun sekali dan Feminim, Aura wanita nya dalam diri mereka keluar, apalagi artis Kim Min Su kelihatan sangat cantik dan seksi sekali.

Dalam Diam.
Hanyut dalam buay indah asmara..
Diam mu bawa hatiqu terbang..
Terbang dalam awan yang bahagia..
Semakin qu merasa semakin qu tak mengerti..
Kalau dihati ini tlah tertanam benih cintamu..
Tumbuh.. Berkembang..
Menerawang dalam jiwa..
Anggan yang tercipta penuh dengan hasrat membara..
Cintamu mengakar menyelimuti hatiqu..
Rindu dalam penantian..
Kecewa dalam kesendirian..
Wajahpun sayup dalam sepi..
Aku jatuh cinta.. benar.. benar jatuh..
jatuh dalamcintamu.. dalam hangatnya pelukanmu..
Dan kini kusadari
By : Ery
Mutiara Cinta

Merobohkan dinding keangkuhan cintamu.
Dalam sekejap bibir putuskan tali cinta..
Jiwa merona bersama cinta yang tumbang.
Rindu terpenjara dalam ruang sunyi..
Hati pun hancur..
Bagai teriris pisau dusta..
Tersiksa Bersama kekecewaan yang mengiringi..
Menunggu penuh kegelisahan..
Mengharap kau datang membawa cinta..
Bimbang dalam cinta yang menghilang..
Ku Mencoba bertahan..
Dari serpih-serpihan cinta yang tak pasti..
Cinta yang aku ingin tak mampu aku dapatkan..
Tapi apakah memang aku tak mampu..??
Ataukah memang hati ini tak sanggup..
Menembus dinding keangkuhan mu..
Cinta untukmu takkan pernah terhapuskan..
Betapa dalam hati ini mengiginkanmu..
Betapa besar cinta ini ada untuk mu..
Tiada rasa yang lebih tulus dari rasaku..
Tiada rindu yang lebih besar dari rinduku..
Tiada cinta yang mampung kalahkan cintaku untukmu..
Dan Tiada unkapan yang bisa di ucap selain ku mencintaimu..
By: hati yang kecewa
Patah Hati "Kata Mutiara"

Cinta seperti halnya pelangi yang penuh dengan warna..
Tapi Kadang aku berfikir,
tak selamanya cinta itu harus mengalah,
berkorban maupun menghalalkan segala cara..
Cinta itu hanya butuh penguasaan diri….
Kenapa aku bisa berfikir seperti itu..??
karena cinta bukan hanya untuk dirasakan,
tetapi juga butuh Difikirkan seperti halya matematika butuh hasil yang pasti,
ilmu bahasa yang butuh pengertian untuk pengucapanya..
kalaupun cinta yang kita punya tidak baik buat kita..??
ngapain juga gt kita masih tetap bertahan dalam cinta tsb..??
memang tidaklah mudah..
tapi apakah kita sebagai wanita hanya cukup diam dan terhanyut…..???
bagi lholho mua yang masih mau bahagia..
carilah laki-laki yang emang terbaik buwat x’an….
Kebahagiaan kita yang tentukan dan cinta kita cari dengan berjalanya waktu.
Kaya istilah jawa tu lho “WETENG TRESNO JALARAN KULINO” hehehe…
itu memang jadul banget tapi apa salahnya mencoba,!!
Lara-duka. Loves
Cinta "Kata Mutiara"

Waktu yang membawaku pada dirimu..
Waktu yang menumbuhkan benih cintamu dalam hatiqu..
Waktu yang membuat hadirmu berarti dalam hidupqu..
Waktu yang membuat jiwaqu tersiksa.. Dalam kerinduan..
Waktu adalah anugrah..
Waktu adalah proses..
Proses mencintai tanpa syarat apapun..
Waktu seperti dinding dalam percintaanqu..
Waktu yang membuat hatiqu merintih
Dalam ketidakpastian..
Dan waktu pula yang membuatmu harus memilih dalam dua cinta..!!
Kini Egoqu telah juahkan cintaqu untukmu..
Egoqu buatqu meragukanmu..
Egoqu buatqu berkata..
By : Lara-duka. Loves
Kata Mutiara "CINTA"
Terungkap Dari Relung Jiwa yang Merana.
Tanpa kau ketuk pintu hatiqu…
Qu hanya bisa termenung..
Dalam bayang wajahmu…
Ditemani angin malam yg berhembus berlahan…
Seakan iramakan alunan cintamu..
Dalam sunyi itu terniang-niang suaramu…
Yang sangup berikanqu ketenanggan…
Dalam diam kau menelusup…
Menerawang merasuk dalam jiwa….
Sesaat.. Terhempas…
Sesaat.. Bagai melayang.. .
Hati inipun terasa ngundah…
Hati inipun mulai terbuai dlm diam cintamu…
Binggung… Gelisah… Kenapa…??
Tanpa qu mengerti…??
Kaupun pergi bersama hatiqu..
N’gini qu tahu dlm dim kau mencuri hatiqu…
Detik demi detikpun berlalu..
HatiQu pun mulai bicara..
Fikiran mulai seiring..
Timbul rasa rindu..
Dengan penuh resah gelisah..
Rasa ingin memiliki..
Dengan segenap jiwa n’raga..
Rasa ingin dicintai..
Dengan sedalam-dalam hatimu..
N’rasa ingin slalu ada untukmu..
Dalam duka dan bahagiamu..
N’kini qu sadari hadirmu begitu berarti..
Aqu mencintaimu ..
Benar-benar cinta.. cinta dalam jiwa..
Qu mencintaimu dg segala yg ada dalam dirimu..
Tanpa syarat apapun..
Mengapa semua ini harus terjadi..??
Kasih, biarkan qu menangis agar hati ini semakin mengerti...!!
Lelap tidurqu tak ternganggu oleh belay kasihsayangmu…
Qu terdiam menunggu pintu hatimu terbuka..
By : Lara-duka
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Foto Seksi Yoon Eun Hye Artis Korean
Yoon Eun Hye adalah Bintang/artis asal dari korea, karir nya sudah cemerlang sejak si cantik ini membintangi Film-film drama korea, apalagi karir nya sekarang mulai cemerlang semenjak bermain dalam Film My Fair Lady. Didalam Film tersebut ia menjadi bintang utama wanita dan peran nya dalam film tersebut sangan mengesankan dan Yoon Eun Hye terlihat sangat cantik dan anggun sekali.
Dan ini lara-duka hadirkan beberapa Foto seksi Yoon Eun Hye, cukup kalau akan membuat mata anda bertuju padanya dan mata anda bisa sedikit terhibur.hehe.. Wanita asal korea ini terlihat Cantik, HOT dan Seksi.

Dylan, Springsteen And Neil Young: The Coming Fall Trifecta From Rock's Holy Trinity
The upcoming fall new music release calendar just got a lot more interesting with announcements made this week within just days of each other of new albums from three of rock's most iconic, legendary figures.
Although new albums from Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young might not have music retailers seeing big dollar signs the same way that a (likely on the way) new Kings Of Leon or (not so likely) Coldplay record would, it's still a positive sign that the record labels are showing more of a willingness to roll out the big guns this Christmas season.
While nobody can realistically expect these three albums to do anything resembling humongous numbers, what they will do is provide as good a reason as any in recent years to get the still viable baby boomer demographic out of their cubbyholes and back into the record stores this fall. Still, this rarely seen sixty-day window of new albums by what many regard as the holy trinity of rock's greatest living songwriters doesn't come without at least a few caveats.
For one thing, not all of these albums are exactly new.
Of the three packages, only Neil Young's Le Noise (due September 28) is a brand new studio album consisting entirely of music recorded earlier this year (with producer Daniel Lanois). The Dylan and Springsteen packages however, are both retrospectives drawing from the past work of each artist, while also containing rare and previously unreleased material.
Dylan's The Witmark Demos (in stores on October 19) is the ninth volume of his Bootleg Series, and focuses on rare demo recordings made between 1962-1964, including early versions of some of Dylan's most famous songs like "The Times They Are A Changin'" and "Blowin' In The Wind," as well as much rarer, never before heard material.
Springsteen's The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story (which arrives November 16) is an ambitious deluxe re-imagining of his 1978 classic Darkness On The Edge Of Town album. It comes in a deluxe boxed set housing 3 CDs, 3 DVDs (or Blu-ray discs) packed with such extras as live concert footage and rarely heard outtakes. There's even a previously unheard (if somewhat manufactured specifically for this set) "lost album" called The Promise.
What follows is a quick preview of each of these albums, including our thoughts on this "trifecta" from rock's holy trinity, and just how we rate their chances at music retail this fall.
Neil Young - Le Noise
In a lot of ways, this could be seen as merely the latest in a long line of experimental albums from Neil Young — if only the songs we've heard so far didn't sound so damn good.
But on paper, everything about Le Noise from the title on down screams classic Neil Young weirdness. From what we know, this is a mostly solo record (although we have also heard that Young is accompanied on at least some of the songs by the late Ben Keith), but is also not your usual folkie Harvest type acoustic outing.
Here instead, Neil is mostly cranking up the electric guitar — aided by the "sonics" of producer Daniel Lanois. But before you run like hell thinking this could be another 40 minutes of feedback noise a la' the infamous Arc disc of Neil's live Arc-Weld with Crazy Horse, most of these songs have been previewed on Neil Young's current Twisted Road tour and both audiences and critics alike have been near unanimous in their praise. Songs like the autobiographical "Hitchhiker" and "Love And War" also find Neil Young reflecting on issues like his own mortality like no other album since Prairie Wind. This is also a nice warm up for the next round of Neil's Archives discs, which will include the first official appearances of the "lost albums" Homegrown, Chrome Dreams, Toast and Oceanside, Countryside.
Verdict: This won't be a huge commercial hit, but should do solid business with Neil Young's core fanbase. It should also do much better than 2009's Fork In The Road did with the critics, and will very likely make a few year-end "Best Of 2010" lists. This could be one of this years bigger sleepers.
Le Noise Songlist:
01. Walk With Me
02. Sign Of Love
03. Someone’s Gonna Rescue You
04. Love And War
05. Angry World
06. Hitchhiker
07. Peaceful Valley Boulevard
08. Rumblin
Bob Dylan - The Bootleg Series Vol. 9: The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964
Like Neil Young's Archives, Dylan's Bootleg Series has proven to be a treasure-trove for Dylanologists and other collectors, and in many ways The Witmark Demos is the most intriguing entry yet — at least from a historical perspective.
Comprised of some of Dylan's earliest demos (the album is apparently named for one of his first publishers, M. Witmark And Sons), it features early recordings of Dylan standards like "Masters of War," "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "Blowin' In The Wind." But more intriguing is the inclusion of never before heard songs from the same period with titles like “Guess I’m Doing Fine,” “Long Ago, Far Away” and “Ballad for a Friend.”
Dylan continues to tour non-stop (he'll be headlining Seattle's annual Bumbershoot Festival over Labor Day weekend). But with no followup to 2009's Together Through Life on the horizon in the immediate future, this 48-song, two-disc collection should tide Dylan fans over quite nicely.
Verdict: Dylan's Bootleg Series always does solid numbers among fans — with many of the hardcores preferring the rarities to his newer material. Interest could be even higher here, because of the period, and the vintage of the songs involved.
Witmark Demos Songlist:
Disc: 1
1. Man On The Street (Fragment)
2. Hard Times In New York Town
3. Poor Boy Blues
4. Ballad For A Friend
5. Rambling, Gambling Willie
6. Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues
7. Standing On The Highway
8. Man On The Street
9. Blowin’ In The Wind
10. Long Ago, Far Away
11. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
12. Tomorrow Is A Long Time
13. The Death of Emmett Till
14. Let Me Die In My Footsteps
15. Ballad Of Hollis Brown
16. Quit Your Low Down Ways
17. Baby, I’m In The Mood For You
18. Bound To Lose, Bound To Win
19. All Over You
20. I’d Hate To Be You On That Dreadful Day
21. Long Time Gone
22. Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues
23. Masters Of War
24. Oxford Town
25. Farewell
Disc 2
1. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
2. Walkin’ Down The Line
3. I Shall Be Free
4. Bob Dylan’s Blues
5. Bob Dylan’s Dream
6. Boots Of Spanish Leather
7. Walls of Red Wing
8. Girl From The North Country
9. Seven Curses
10. Hero Blues
11. Whatcha Gonna Do?
12. Gypsy Lou
13. Ain’t Gonna Grieve
14. John Brown
15. Only A Hobo
16. When The Ship Comes In
17. The Times They Are A-Changin’
18. Paths Of Victory
19. Guess I’m Doing Fine
20. Baby Let Me Follow You Down
21. Mama, You Been On My Mind
22. Mr. Tambourine Man
23. I’ll Keep It With Mine
Bruce Springsteen - The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story
Springsteen fans have been salivating for this one for a couple of years now (it was originally supposed to come out as a 30th anniversary box back in 2008), but they will be more than happy for the wait. The Darkness box doubles the three discs of 2005's Born To Run remastered deluxe set, and fully more than three quarters of it is comprised of previously unreleased, or otherwise never before seen or heard material.
The biggest news here is the two CDs of studio outtakes from the original Darkness sessions, which have been compiled into a manufactured "lost album" called The Promise.
These include such widely bootlegged songs as "The Promise" (presumably we finally get the first official release of the full E Street Band version here), "Because The Night" and "Spanish Eyes."
But there also some titles which will be new even to hardcore Springsteen collectors with interesting titles like "The Brokenhearted" and "(Someday) We'll Be Together" (which I'm assuming isn't a Diana Ross cover).
The live DVD material also looks pretty amazing. In addition to a full 1978 concert from Houston (said to consist of footage taken from the overhead screens), there is live "Thrill Hill Vault" footage from 1976-1978, and the complete 2009 performance of Darkness taken from the Paramount Theater in Asbury Park, NJ.
Rather than run down the entire track listing, I'll point you towards Josh Hathaway's preview elsewhere on Blogcritics. But man, I'm licking my chops for this one!
Verdict: It's a six-disc boxed set, and it's likely to be pricey. But for Bruce fans, this is a long sought after holy grail of sorts. Expect them to respond accordingly.
This article was first published at Blogcritics Magazine as Dylan, Springsteen And Neil Young: The Coming Fall Trifecta From Rock's Holy Trinity
The upcoming fall new music release calendar just got a lot more interesting with announcements made this week within just days of each other of new albums from three of rock's most iconic, legendary figures.
Although new albums from Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young might not have music retailers seeing big dollar signs the same way that a (likely on the way) new Kings Of Leon or (not so likely) Coldplay record would, it's still a positive sign that the record labels are showing more of a willingness to roll out the big guns this Christmas season.
While nobody can realistically expect these three albums to do anything resembling humongous numbers, what they will do is provide as good a reason as any in recent years to get the still viable baby boomer demographic out of their cubbyholes and back into the record stores this fall. Still, this rarely seen sixty-day window of new albums by what many regard as the holy trinity of rock's greatest living songwriters doesn't come without at least a few caveats.
For one thing, not all of these albums are exactly new.
Of the three packages, only Neil Young's Le Noise (due September 28) is a brand new studio album consisting entirely of music recorded earlier this year (with producer Daniel Lanois). The Dylan and Springsteen packages however, are both retrospectives drawing from the past work of each artist, while also containing rare and previously unreleased material.
Dylan's The Witmark Demos (in stores on October 19) is the ninth volume of his Bootleg Series, and focuses on rare demo recordings made between 1962-1964, including early versions of some of Dylan's most famous songs like "The Times They Are A Changin'" and "Blowin' In The Wind," as well as much rarer, never before heard material.
Springsteen's The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story (which arrives November 16) is an ambitious deluxe re-imagining of his 1978 classic Darkness On The Edge Of Town album. It comes in a deluxe boxed set housing 3 CDs, 3 DVDs (or Blu-ray discs) packed with such extras as live concert footage and rarely heard outtakes. There's even a previously unheard (if somewhat manufactured specifically for this set) "lost album" called The Promise.
What follows is a quick preview of each of these albums, including our thoughts on this "trifecta" from rock's holy trinity, and just how we rate their chances at music retail this fall.
Neil Young - Le Noise
In a lot of ways, this could be seen as merely the latest in a long line of experimental albums from Neil Young — if only the songs we've heard so far didn't sound so damn good.
But on paper, everything about Le Noise from the title on down screams classic Neil Young weirdness. From what we know, this is a mostly solo record (although we have also heard that Young is accompanied on at least some of the songs by the late Ben Keith), but is also not your usual folkie Harvest type acoustic outing.
Here instead, Neil is mostly cranking up the electric guitar — aided by the "sonics" of producer Daniel Lanois. But before you run like hell thinking this could be another 40 minutes of feedback noise a la' the infamous Arc disc of Neil's live Arc-Weld with Crazy Horse, most of these songs have been previewed on Neil Young's current Twisted Road tour and both audiences and critics alike have been near unanimous in their praise. Songs like the autobiographical "Hitchhiker" and "Love And War" also find Neil Young reflecting on issues like his own mortality like no other album since Prairie Wind. This is also a nice warm up for the next round of Neil's Archives discs, which will include the first official appearances of the "lost albums" Homegrown, Chrome Dreams, Toast and Oceanside, Countryside.
Verdict: This won't be a huge commercial hit, but should do solid business with Neil Young's core fanbase. It should also do much better than 2009's Fork In The Road did with the critics, and will very likely make a few year-end "Best Of 2010" lists. This could be one of this years bigger sleepers.
Le Noise Songlist:
01. Walk With Me
02. Sign Of Love
03. Someone’s Gonna Rescue You
04. Love And War
05. Angry World
06. Hitchhiker
07. Peaceful Valley Boulevard
08. Rumblin
Bob Dylan - The Bootleg Series Vol. 9: The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964
Like Neil Young's Archives, Dylan's Bootleg Series has proven to be a treasure-trove for Dylanologists and other collectors, and in many ways The Witmark Demos is the most intriguing entry yet — at least from a historical perspective.
Comprised of some of Dylan's earliest demos (the album is apparently named for one of his first publishers, M. Witmark And Sons), it features early recordings of Dylan standards like "Masters of War," "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "Blowin' In The Wind." But more intriguing is the inclusion of never before heard songs from the same period with titles like “Guess I’m Doing Fine,” “Long Ago, Far Away” and “Ballad for a Friend.”
Dylan continues to tour non-stop (he'll be headlining Seattle's annual Bumbershoot Festival over Labor Day weekend). But with no followup to 2009's Together Through Life on the horizon in the immediate future, this 48-song, two-disc collection should tide Dylan fans over quite nicely.
Verdict: Dylan's Bootleg Series always does solid numbers among fans — with many of the hardcores preferring the rarities to his newer material. Interest could be even higher here, because of the period, and the vintage of the songs involved.
Witmark Demos Songlist:
Disc: 1
1. Man On The Street (Fragment)
2. Hard Times In New York Town
3. Poor Boy Blues
4. Ballad For A Friend
5. Rambling, Gambling Willie
6. Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues
7. Standing On The Highway
8. Man On The Street
9. Blowin’ In The Wind
10. Long Ago, Far Away
11. A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
12. Tomorrow Is A Long Time
13. The Death of Emmett Till
14. Let Me Die In My Footsteps
15. Ballad Of Hollis Brown
16. Quit Your Low Down Ways
17. Baby, I’m In The Mood For You
18. Bound To Lose, Bound To Win
19. All Over You
20. I’d Hate To Be You On That Dreadful Day
21. Long Time Gone
22. Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues
23. Masters Of War
24. Oxford Town
25. Farewell
Disc 2
1. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right
2. Walkin’ Down The Line
3. I Shall Be Free
4. Bob Dylan’s Blues
5. Bob Dylan’s Dream
6. Boots Of Spanish Leather
7. Walls of Red Wing
8. Girl From The North Country
9. Seven Curses
10. Hero Blues
11. Whatcha Gonna Do?
12. Gypsy Lou
13. Ain’t Gonna Grieve
14. John Brown
15. Only A Hobo
16. When The Ship Comes In
17. The Times They Are A-Changin’
18. Paths Of Victory
19. Guess I’m Doing Fine
20. Baby Let Me Follow You Down
21. Mama, You Been On My Mind
22. Mr. Tambourine Man
23. I’ll Keep It With Mine
Bruce Springsteen - The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story
Springsteen fans have been salivating for this one for a couple of years now (it was originally supposed to come out as a 30th anniversary box back in 2008), but they will be more than happy for the wait. The Darkness box doubles the three discs of 2005's Born To Run remastered deluxe set, and fully more than three quarters of it is comprised of previously unreleased, or otherwise never before seen or heard material.
These include such widely bootlegged songs as "The Promise" (presumably we finally get the first official release of the full E Street Band version here), "Because The Night" and "Spanish Eyes."
But there also some titles which will be new even to hardcore Springsteen collectors with interesting titles like "The Brokenhearted" and "(Someday) We'll Be Together" (which I'm assuming isn't a Diana Ross cover).
The live DVD material also looks pretty amazing. In addition to a full 1978 concert from Houston (said to consist of footage taken from the overhead screens), there is live "Thrill Hill Vault" footage from 1976-1978, and the complete 2009 performance of Darkness taken from the Paramount Theater in Asbury Park, NJ.
Rather than run down the entire track listing, I'll point you towards Josh Hathaway's preview elsewhere on Blogcritics. But man, I'm licking my chops for this one!
Verdict: It's a six-disc boxed set, and it's likely to be pricey. But for Bruce fans, this is a long sought after holy grail of sorts. Expect them to respond accordingly.
This article was first published at Blogcritics Magazine as Dylan, Springsteen And Neil Young: The Coming Fall Trifecta From Rock's Holy Trinity
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Pria Seksi Korea
6 Artis Pria korea yang terkenal, tampan dan mempunyai portur badan yang keren, Atletis dan seksi, mereka adalah Choi Siwon, Yun Ho TVXQ, Jae Joong TVXQ, Lee Min Ho, Tae Yang Big-bang, dan Gong Yoo.
Foto Pria Seksi Korea :

Kara Wallpaper
KARA adalah Group vocal penyanyi wanita asal dari korea, Kara semula beranggotakan 6 orang, akan tetapi sekarang tinggal 5 orang yaitu : Nicole Jung, Kang Jiyoung, Hara Koo, Nicole Jung, dan Gyuri Park. 1 Personil yang bernama : Kim Sung Hee sudah keluar atau henggkang dari KARA.
Foto Seksi "Kara" Korean Girls :

Monday, August 23, 2010
Profile KARA Korea

KARA adalah Group vocal penyanyi wanita asal dari korea, Kara semula beranggotakan 6 orang, akan tetapi sekarang tinggal 5 orang yaitu : Nicole Jung, Kang Jiyoung, Hara Koo, Nicole Jung, dan Gyuri Park. Personil yang bernama : Kim Sung Hee sudah henggkang dari KARA.

Profile Nicole Jung :
Nama : Han Seung Yeon
Birthday : 24 Juli 1988
posisi : Vokal
Hobby : Membaca buku, menikmati musik
Spesialis : Menyanyi, menari
Tentang saya : Seung Yeon dari america, di mana dia bersekolah di Tenafly, NJ. Dia diduga pindah kembali ke Korea di kelas 9 untuk mengejar karir bernyanyi, yang ia berhasil ketika ia memulai debutnya pada kelompok KARA.

Nama : Kang Jiyoung
Birthday : 18 Januari 1994
Jenjang pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kwanghee 3 tahun (Hadir).
posisi : Vokal
Hobby : menikmati musik
Spesialis : Menyanyi, menari
Hobby : menikmati musik
Spesialis : Menyanyi, menari
Nama: Hara Koo
Birthday: 13 Januari 1991
Jenjang pendidikan: Dong Myung Girls High School 3 tahun (Mengikuti).
posisi : Vokal
Hobby : Membaca buku, dan menikmati musik
Spesialis : Menyanyi, menari
Hobby : Membaca buku, dan menikmati musik
Spesialis : Menyanyi, menari
Profile Nicole Jung :
Nama : Nicole Jung
Birthday : 7 Oktober 1991
Posisi : Rap & vokal
Hobby : Bermain biola, menikmati film
Spesialis : tari
Tentang saya : Tidak banyak yang diketahui tentang termuda anggota KARA. Namun, Nicole adalah dari US. Dia berasal dari California, dan bahasa inggris fasih dia membuat rap-nya kelancaran, yang fans katakan adalah salah satu hal baik tentang dia.
vokal rap nya dan berkontribusi ke grup KARA.
Nama : Gyuri Park
Birthday : 21 Mei 1988
Posisi : Pemimpin; vokal
Hobby : Membaca buku, menikmati film
Spesialis : Menyanyi, akting
About Me: Sebelum Gyuri debutnya dengan 'KARA' dia adalah seorang aktris calon anak, yang tiba-tiba menghilang dari bisnis hiburan selama beberapa tahun. Sekarang, dia kembali dengan tampilan baru, dan bakat yang besar, menjadi pemimpin di KARA.
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