November starts with a chill at the movie theatre. I am glad I live in the northeast and the weather has been bad because I have no desire to head to the movies this weekend. The rest of the month looks incredible, and there are a lot of great films that are will be coming out.
November 4th: Stealing with Ben Stiller or Christmas in November with an unnecessary third film in a series? I pick catch up on small indie films.
Tower Heist has an interesting cast with Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Matthew Broderick, and Gabby Sidibe, but the fact that this has Ben Stiller counts me out right away. A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas is just a pointless installment in this series. The first film was not that great, but it has a fun feel that did not make much money, nor did it require any other films. I want to see Like Crazy, a story of young love. Like Crazy was released in limited release last week, but will be coming to the Boston area this week.
Skip: The new releases, and catch up on October films you missed
November 11th: A Bio-Pic by Clint Eastwood, an indie from directing master Lars Von Trier, a big budget film for November film, or another crappy Adam Sandler film? The Answer seems too simple
J. Edgar is going to actually be released on November 9th and with Clint Eastwood directing, and a great cast including Leonardo DiCaprio, Judi Dench, and Armie Hammer I am sold. I do feel as though Leo is cheating on his man Marty Scorssese, and I don't love bio-pics, but I am pretty excited about this film. (9th), Big budget films in November always feel like the bridesmaids of the summer action films. Immortals seems like a film that just could not make it in the summer and is always the bridesmaid, and never the bride. Jack and Jill looks like the work Sandler film ever, and this includes Little Nicky. Lars Von Trier's Melancholia looks intriguing, and the trailer makes me more and more curious.
See it: J. Edgar and Melancholia (Melancholia if you like obscure indie films)
Skip it: Jack and Jill-Immortals Why would you waste your money?
November 18th Vampires, Penguins, and Clooney...I'll give you a hint at one I will never get sick of!
There is one film with terrible acting, and a terrible plot about a girl who wants to give herself up to a man who can take her "life." Who wouldn't want to Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1? That would be me. This book and film series is infuriating and was made for 12 year old girls. I have not seen the first Happy Feet, but I have heard good things. I think Happy Feet Two looks cute and is a great choice for families. The Descendants is one of my potential picks of the month. I love Alexander Payne; he has made some of my favorite films: Election, About Schmidt and Sideways. This film looks great and I am excited to see Clooney in a different role.
See it: The Descendants....Happy Feet Two (for the kids)
Skip it: Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1...if you want to avoid a terrible film
November 23rd
Hugo, The Muppets, A Dangerous Method, My Week with Marilyn, Arthur Christmas, The Artist
I have nothing bad to say about this week. I think Arthur Christmas looks a little weak, but this is one of the best, if not the best week for films throughout the entire year. I am going to be spending a lot of money during this week. The Artist and The Muppets are at the top of my list. The Artist is my second pick of the month.
See it All!!
Pick of the Month: The Artist and The Descendants
Close Behind: The Muppets and J. Edgar
I am excited for November, this year has been bleak, but I think this month could finally bring a smile to the face of myself and many other avid movie fans.
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Monday, October 31, 2011
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What's Your Favorite Scary Movie?....Happy Halloween!
The lines uttered by the ghostface killer in the Scream series (1996-2011) have now become infamous. In an ominous voice the killer asking their future victim "What's your favorite scary movie?" Halloween is a time for everyone to an enjoy a good scare. I know not everyone likes scary movies, they are not my favorite genre, but you can always beat the genre by watching my other favorite type of film within this genre, the horror spoof (done well). Here is my advice on what to watch, well, basically my favorite scary movies or thrillers.
Rear Window (1954) This Hitchcock film is the best in my book when it comes to keeping me on the edge of my seat. I know many people/critics respect Psycho the most, but as far as a good thriller goes I am on board Rear Window.
Halloween (1978) John Carpenter's masterpiece this film about a boy who killed his oldest sister in 1963, and then comes back years later to finish off his other sister is scary good. This film solidified Jamie Lee Curtis as the scream queen. The killer Michael Myers move so slow as he attacks his victim, and this spray painted white William Shatner mask is beyond creepy.
Alien (1979) I did not see this movie until they re-released it for its 25th anniversary while I was in college. I remember sitting in the dark theater waiting for Sigourney Weaver and the rest of space crew to get attacked by the alien that got onto their ship. In the darkness of the small multiplex I cringed and almost screamed. This is one of the scariest films I ever seen.
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Jonothan Demme brought to life one of the best and scariest villains in this film. Anthony Hopkins, Hannibal Lector has this deceiving charm on the level of Norman Bates; he has manners and does not fling his feces at Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster), but be careful because he may eat your face off.
The last films do more to show the irony of the genre, and some of them even mix in the scares with the irony. These are great films or a great series because they have a balance of comedic timing.
Scary Movie (2000) Do not let the title fool you, this movie is not scary. The Wayans brothers did a great job spoofing many 90s horror films (and other 90s movies like The Usual Suspects). Scream came out in 1996 and did a great of pointing out the irony of the genre mixed with terror. While the Wayans brothers would cite most horror films as a product of white society, and the Wayans put a twist to this genre and point out how stupid white people are in these films, and how silly this genre can be.
Shaun of the Dead (2004) I love a good zombie movie, but this film does an even better job spoofing this genre. The team of Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg combine to portray our main character attempting to escape his mundane life; he does the same thing day in and day out and acts like a zombie with his routine. Then of course when he tries to break this routine he has to battle zombies themselves, brilliant!
and...of course the film that inspired the title of this post....
the Scream series (1996-2011) I love the Scream series. The duo of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson have created 4 films know themselves and this genre better than anyone can imagine. Scream focuses on the "rules" and talked ironically about horror films and how deaths occurred. Still people even knowing the genre did not last long. Scream 2 used the rule of sequels and talk more about the hilarity of having a sequel and in one scene how rare it was for sequels to be better than the original. In Scream 3 the rules are out! The rule of trilogies is that things go crazy, and kind of start to fall apart. Within Scream 3 the series did start to fall a part, but were the creators smart enough to realize this? I think yes. Cut to ten years later with Scream 4. Who would have thought this film would continue the legacy of the genre, but it did! Scream 4 used a combination of tradition and the evolution of horror films within the last 10 years. The film also used the evolution of technology as well. I am so inspired by this series.
Alien (1979) I did not see this movie until they re-released it for its 25th anniversary while I was in college. I remember sitting in the dark theater waiting for Sigourney Weaver and the rest of space crew to get attacked by the alien that got onto their ship. In the darkness of the small multiplex I cringed and almost screamed. This is one of the scariest films I ever seen.
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Jonothan Demme brought to life one of the best and scariest villains in this film. Anthony Hopkins, Hannibal Lector has this deceiving charm on the level of Norman Bates; he has manners and does not fling his feces at Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster), but be careful because he may eat your face off.
The last films do more to show the irony of the genre, and some of them even mix in the scares with the irony. These are great films or a great series because they have a balance of comedic timing.
Scary Movie (2000) Do not let the title fool you, this movie is not scary. The Wayans brothers did a great job spoofing many 90s horror films (and other 90s movies like The Usual Suspects). Scream came out in 1996 and did a great of pointing out the irony of the genre mixed with terror. While the Wayans brothers would cite most horror films as a product of white society, and the Wayans put a twist to this genre and point out how stupid white people are in these films, and how silly this genre can be.
Shaun of the Dead (2004) I love a good zombie movie, but this film does an even better job spoofing this genre. The team of Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg combine to portray our main character attempting to escape his mundane life; he does the same thing day in and day out and acts like a zombie with his routine. Then of course when he tries to break this routine he has to battle zombies themselves, brilliant!
and...of course the film that inspired the title of this post....
the Scream series (1996-2011) I love the Scream series. The duo of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson have created 4 films know themselves and this genre better than anyone can imagine. Scream focuses on the "rules" and talked ironically about horror films and how deaths occurred. Still people even knowing the genre did not last long. Scream 2 used the rule of sequels and talk more about the hilarity of having a sequel and in one scene how rare it was for sequels to be better than the original. In Scream 3 the rules are out! The rule of trilogies is that things go crazy, and kind of start to fall apart. Within Scream 3 the series did start to fall a part, but were the creators smart enough to realize this? I think yes. Cut to ten years later with Scream 4. Who would have thought this film would continue the legacy of the genre, but it did! Scream 4 used a combination of tradition and the evolution of horror films within the last 10 years. The film also used the evolution of technology as well. I am so inspired by this series.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Careerbuilder Salary Guide
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The Master of the Thriller: Alfred Hitchcock
After thinking about It, or well trying not think It, I thought about what scares me most, and what I enjoy most within the horror/thriller genre. I always spend more time throughout the month of October watching scary movies. There are two types of films that I always go to watch during this month, more suspenseful thrillers, and films that display the irony of the genre. I have never been someone who liked the obvious scary films like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th. Jason and Freddy Krueger are great marketing tools, and the numerous sequels have ruined the scare factor. Within the last decade horror films have moved towards the gross out scare tactics and torture horror. With the Saw series and films like Hostel I have never been scared. The only I ever averted my eyes during Hostel was because something was gross not scary. Within the recent years suspense has been lacking in this genre.
The master of suspense has and always will be Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock's films have alway held me on the edge of my seat. My favorite Hitchcock thriller is Rear Window (1954). The film centers around a wheelchair bound L.B. 'Jeff' Jeffries played by Jimmy Stewart who while confined to his New York City apartment thinks he sees his neighbor across the street kill his wife. I love how Hitchcock uses the limited perspective of L.B. to allow the audience to enhance their vantage point.
Rear Window is a wonderful film, and follows some of the standards within the thriller genre. This eternal question of "Will they get caught?" and the thinking "Don't go in there." With a thriller it's all about the pacing. Hitchcock played by the rules but broke them all the time an inspired a whole generation of directors to further their own intrigue and initiative within this genre. Hitchcock was so brilliant he helped further an entire branch of the horror genre.
The most famous of Hitchcock's films was the thriller Psycho (1960). This film is seen as the birth of "slasher film." The infamous shower seen where Janet Leigh is stabbed to death is one of the most famous scenes in the history of cinema. Looking at the slasher genre today films have certainly evolved and made the premise much more silly or unrealistic. In Psycho, Norman Bates stated "We all go a little mad sometimes." There is something so ingenious about this character. Bates quiet and charming demeanor is almost to reassuring. Hitchock was smart enough within this film to leave the romance behind. Their is more focus on sex and violence within this film. The shower scene is seen as one of themost frightening scenes, and his use of a sex symbol and the shower put men and women into and interesting point of view. The main fear was that anything could happen to you any time, even while you were doing something as simple as taking a shower.
I could talk about Hitchcock for an entire book, and his films like Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, Rope, etc. are all examples of how this man made some of the most brilliant thrillers ever. Hitchcock has inspired generations of film makers throughout the genre. Hitchcock and his thrillers are some of my favorite films of all time. Scream killing Drew Barrymore was an homage to Psycho. Hitchcock killed off the big star in the first 45 minutes. Janet Leigh was a major player and this was the beginning of the shape of this genre. It's all about the thrill and how his inspiration pushed the boundaries for the audience to become more involved in the story. This man was a genius storyteller, and deserves to be celebrated more.
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Martha Marcy May Marlene is a Thrilling Name that will be Hard to Forget
Martha Marcy May Marlene (4 out of 5 stars)
Directed and Written by: Sean Durkin
Starring: Elizabeth Olsen, Hugh Dancy, Sarah Paulsen, and John Hawkes
This haunting tale starts with Martha with a group of people at a farm in upstate New York. During the morning Martha (Elizabeth Olsen) runs away to town and ends up calling her sister to come pick her up from, well she does not know where. Martha has disappeared for two years ends up living with a cult. Martha's sister (Sarah Paulsen) comes to get her and bring her to her quiet home away from New York City in Connecticut. As Martha attempts to get past her experiences with the cult the film flashes back between her time in the cult and her attempt to rehab at her sister's.
First time writer director Sean Durkin uses tight screen shots to create an emotionally wrought film. Martha's emotionally disturbed nature haunts her in so many ways. The leader of the cult Patrick played by the brilliantly subtle John Hawkes acts a father figure and a disturbed Charles Manson like character. Patrick tells Martha "You don't look like a Martha, you look like a Marcy May."
Durkin does a phenomenal job of never allowing the viewer to fully be aware of Martha's actions or who she is at a given time. The question he poses throughout the film is are we watch Martha or Marcy May. Durkin staggers the story through the editing and only allows us to see pieces of Elizabeth's time in the cult and time in recovery. There is strength in the way he tells this story that makes it one of the most compelling thrillers in years.
As much I was pulled in by Durkin's work, I was equally mesmerized by the talent of Elizabeth Olsen. Olsen was amazing in this role; she went from helpless victim, to this dark follower in a mater of seconds. Olsen had an edge and yet she is beyond helpless as she runs away and tries to hide away from the cult. Olsen is the star and carries out the emotional aftermath of of the cult so well. Throughout the last scenes of the film, we do not know how emotionally disturbed Martha has become. Is Martha's emotionally disturbed nature playing tricks on her mind? Olsen's brilliant performance never allows the audience to know or understand whether she is is still trapped in the the world of the cult.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Careerbuilder Salary
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
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Tom Waits For No One On Bad As Me
Music Review: Tom Waits - Bad As Me
A well-rounded Tom Waits album in 2011? Well, ya' don't say...
Bad As Me is the best sounding Tom Waits album in years. Well okay, it's also his first studio album of new material in about seven years, period.
But that's beside the point. Coming from a guy who has made a career out of writing singularly amazing songs — even as he has all but defied virtually every convention associated with traditional songwriting — the broad, stylistic diversity of these songs is nothing short of stunning. On Bad As Me, Waits revisits many of the same questionable haunts, inhabited by the usual cast of shady characters, that he has for going on a half century now.
But there are also some surprising new twists here.
On the gorgeous sounding "Talking At The Same Time," Waits' trademark cigarette and whiskey laced rasp — that same, late night damaged vocal cough that lends so many of his songs their unmistakable authenticity — is transformed into an unexpectedly lilting falsetto.
While it isn't quite Smokey Robinson worthy, when combined with longtime guitarist Marc Ribot's fabulous tremelo effects on guitar, the results effectively take you to that same dark, foreboding cinematic place as a great David Lynch film. The only thing missing is the midget dancing on a checkerboard floor to a torch singers take on "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road."
No sooner are these darker corners explored, then Waits makes an abrupt about-face to "Get Lost" in a semi-rockabilly rave-up that allows guitarists Ribot and Los Lobos' David Hildalgo to cut loose with some savage slapback. Ribot and Hildalgo explore similar fifties rock and roll territory on "Tell Me." Only this time, they take a detour down the sweeter, less threatening paths forged by Phil Spector and Brian Wilson. If Roy Orbison were still alive, this song would be a perfect vehicle for him.
As hard as it might be to imagine the weathered and weary voice of Tom Waits conjuring that same type of original teen-pop innocence, he pulls the trick off quite convincingly here. In fact, the single most astonishing thing about Bad As Me is probably the revelation of Tom Waits as a vocalist of previously unrealized depth.
Like Bob Dylan, Waits' vocal talents have up until now manifested themselves mostly in the art of interpreting, and especially in the phrasing of his own lyrics. More than anything else, save for the lyrics themselves, it has been this unique voice that has most lent Tom Waits' songs their unique cinematic quality. The surprising vocal range displayed on Bad As Me is simply an unexpected bonus here.
But the best track on Bad As Me finds Waits resorting to more familiar vocal territory. "Hell Broke Luce" isn't so much sung, as it is shouted in a shower of expletives coming from the perspective of a war veteran who has been irreparably damaged after a tour of duty marked by "listening to the general every goddamn word" and how "the only ones responsible for making this mess, got their sorry asses stapled to a goddamn desk."
It is arguably, Waits most overtly (and uncharacteristically) political song to date, and one which finds its hapless protagonist weeping, pantsed at the wind for a joke, and coming down from the meth. In other words, the exact sort of place you might expect to find Tom Waits leering back at you from a dive bar around last call, doing an industrial-blues mashup backed by no less than Keith Richards, Charlie Musselwhite and Flea.
As Tom Waits albums go, Bad As Me ranks right up there with Nighthawks At The Diner, Rain Dogs and Mule Variations. Right now, I'm calling it yet another turning point for sure. In time, it could very well go down as his best yet.
This article was first published at Blogcritics Magazine.
Music Review: Tom Waits - Bad As Me
A well-rounded Tom Waits album in 2011? Well, ya' don't say...
Bad As Me is the best sounding Tom Waits album in years. Well okay, it's also his first studio album of new material in about seven years, period.
But that's beside the point. Coming from a guy who has made a career out of writing singularly amazing songs — even as he has all but defied virtually every convention associated with traditional songwriting — the broad, stylistic diversity of these songs is nothing short of stunning. On Bad As Me, Waits revisits many of the same questionable haunts, inhabited by the usual cast of shady characters, that he has for going on a half century now.

On the gorgeous sounding "Talking At The Same Time," Waits' trademark cigarette and whiskey laced rasp — that same, late night damaged vocal cough that lends so many of his songs their unmistakable authenticity — is transformed into an unexpectedly lilting falsetto.
While it isn't quite Smokey Robinson worthy, when combined with longtime guitarist Marc Ribot's fabulous tremelo effects on guitar, the results effectively take you to that same dark, foreboding cinematic place as a great David Lynch film. The only thing missing is the midget dancing on a checkerboard floor to a torch singers take on "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road."
No sooner are these darker corners explored, then Waits makes an abrupt about-face to "Get Lost" in a semi-rockabilly rave-up that allows guitarists Ribot and Los Lobos' David Hildalgo to cut loose with some savage slapback. Ribot and Hildalgo explore similar fifties rock and roll territory on "Tell Me." Only this time, they take a detour down the sweeter, less threatening paths forged by Phil Spector and Brian Wilson. If Roy Orbison were still alive, this song would be a perfect vehicle for him.
As hard as it might be to imagine the weathered and weary voice of Tom Waits conjuring that same type of original teen-pop innocence, he pulls the trick off quite convincingly here. In fact, the single most astonishing thing about Bad As Me is probably the revelation of Tom Waits as a vocalist of previously unrealized depth.
Like Bob Dylan, Waits' vocal talents have up until now manifested themselves mostly in the art of interpreting, and especially in the phrasing of his own lyrics. More than anything else, save for the lyrics themselves, it has been this unique voice that has most lent Tom Waits' songs their unique cinematic quality. The surprising vocal range displayed on Bad As Me is simply an unexpected bonus here.
But the best track on Bad As Me finds Waits resorting to more familiar vocal territory. "Hell Broke Luce" isn't so much sung, as it is shouted in a shower of expletives coming from the perspective of a war veteran who has been irreparably damaged after a tour of duty marked by "listening to the general every goddamn word" and how "the only ones responsible for making this mess, got their sorry asses stapled to a goddamn desk."
It is arguably, Waits most overtly (and uncharacteristically) political song to date, and one which finds its hapless protagonist weeping, pantsed at the wind for a joke, and coming down from the meth. In other words, the exact sort of place you might expect to find Tom Waits leering back at you from a dive bar around last call, doing an industrial-blues mashup backed by no less than Keith Richards, Charlie Musselwhite and Flea.
As Tom Waits albums go, Bad As Me ranks right up there with Nighthawks At The Diner, Rain Dogs and Mule Variations. Right now, I'm calling it yet another turning point for sure. In time, it could very well go down as his best yet.
This article was first published at Blogcritics Magazine.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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I'm Coming Out to say that Movies about Coming Out as LGBT just don't make the Grade, while TV gets a solid B+
Happy Coming Out Month! I realized the other day while I was in Salem that I had not honored this month yet. This month is a great time, many colleges, and now high schools are starting to celebrate this month in order to help students feel supported in their environment. As the Trevor Project works towards ending bullying, more people need in educational establishments need to celebrate this month. There is no no slowing down the amount LGBT suicides due to bullying, and more and more people need to realize that we need to allies to younger LGBT populations as they start their process of coming out.
With more people coming out at younger ages, people need to reach out to people who work with younger people on a daily basis. I think the high school is a great place for this. There are numerous other events that high schools celebrate, why not celebrate this? Easier said than done. I think the key to the actual process in support. Coming out is not just a quick process, it takes time. When someone is LGBT they potentially have to come out in every new environment they become a part of. This brings up a lot of dangerous emotions: fear anxiety, helplessness. This also raises a lot of questions: Will I be accepted? Can I get this job? Will I be mocked by others? The list of emotions and questions can go on and on.
The media can be a powerful tool to both help and hurt the way specific groups are represented. In this case telling someone's coming out story can be powerful! Films, television shows, and other mediums can be an incredible way to help people know that "It gets better." There are other people out that look like, talk like, and have the same experiences so that the viewer can see them self. The media has this power because people want to see themselves in a television show, or in movie. People talk about identifying with characters from books and movies all the time. The better and more diverse representations help people to see that coming out is different for everyone.
While looking at films that have covered the topic of coming out there was not much out their for mainstream audiences. I was trying to think of films that covered the subject matter where one of the main characters of the film (a protagonist) had a major story arc where they came out of the closet. I could not think of a film from a major film company that has focused on this issue. While looking around the internet most of the films I found came from smaller film production companies that produce only only LGBT films.
The only film that has a bigger audience, and focuses on coming is the film Latter Days (2003). Latter Days is about a group of Mormons who come to Los Angeles to do their mission work. One of the missionaries Aaron is in the closet, and he ends up becoming acquainted with his openly gay neighbor Christian. Christian bets his friends he can seduce one of the missionaries, but tale as old as time boy meets boy and they start to fall for one another. The film talks about Aaron's coming out process with his family, but the main focus of the film is the love story. Aaron's coming out story is also very specific because of his faith. I think this film does a good job handling the intersection of religion and sexual orientation more so than the actual coming out process. This film was privately financed and distributed by TLA films which is a smaller company that distributes mostly LGBT films that do not make it the major cineplexes.
Since the coming out process is an actual process showing this in a traditional film that is not a documentary is difficult because there is only potentially about a two hour window to explain every detail of the persons story. Television has done a much better job handling the coming out process. The major reason is because television shows have numerous episodes (hopefully) within numerous seasons (again hopefully) where the creator, writers, directors, and producers can help tell different stories.
I can think of so many different amazing coming out stories that help span a wide array of different experiences in television. Ellen opened up the celluloid closet door in 1997 when in her television show Ellen her character came out of the closet. This announcement in the television show also was Ellen's announcement to world that she was actually a lesbian. After this happened we experienced Ellen coming out to the different people in her life from her family to her friends to her co-workers and experienced what Ellen went through throughout this process.
One of the most entertaining and heartfelt coming out portrayals was in Will & Grace when its Thanksgiving and we find out that Jack, the most of openly gay character on the show has not come out to his mother. This show did a good job of showing that even the most proud people have a hard time coming out to their parents, and not wanting to disappoint the person they respect most. Not only was this episode hilarious, but it focused on emotional issues and provided Will & Grace with one of its best episodes in its entire eight seasons.
Ugly Betty creator Silvio Horta addressed Justin (Betty's nephew) sexuality in the last season of the show. Horta explained that his sexual orientation was not explored earlier because he was a only around 10 when the show started. Just met a boy in high school and had his first kiss on the show with him. The show tackled the another experience being gay, a teenager, and Latino. Ugly Betty also dealt with Mark's coming out to his mother in the first season. Mark's mother turned her back on him, and the episode showed that this happens as well. Mark had the support of Betty's family, and his best friend Amanda. This was one of the best shows at tackling LGBT issues.
The list of television shows that have tackled poignant coming out stories is long. Glee, has told Kurt's story and done an excellent job with the issues of coming out and dealing with bullies. Last year the reincarnation of 90210 developed a story line for one of their main characters Teddy. Teddy did not fit the mold of the typical gay male that many people often see in movies or television. Teddy was this an athlete, and broke stereotypes that people have about what "a gay man should be" or look like. I am not an avid viewer of this show but I did watch the different clips online about Teddy's coming out, and the show handled this story line so well. 90210 did not reinvent the wheel, but it put a new face to gay male and the struggles different has while coming out.
I think the media, specifically television and film have a powerful influence, and telling good stories about different coming out experiences is important. The key to this is access. Most of the television shows I have listed were on either ABC, NBC, FOX, or the CW, which are the major broadcast networks. If you even have basic cable you can see these shows. There is LOGO (a network owned by MTV) which is an LGBT channel, but no everyone can afford to have this network. The programming on the network is not the greatest either (but that is another story). There are also more honest and real portrayals happening on different non basic cable networks, but without money to pay for these networks this limits the amount of people who can see these shows. Showtime and HBO have done an excellent job telling coming out stories on shows like Six Feet Under and Shameless, but you have to have money to watch them.
At the end of the day there is much more out there, but access is important. Younger people need to know that they are not alone, and see that there are stories out there, and in the end they can have someone to look up to as they come out. They need more people like Dan Savage in the media who is an out successful gay man (not an actor) who fights for a cause. I am proud to have grown up in a time when I actually have watched movies and seen TV shows where I see myself in the characters, unlike people who came before me. We need to continue to push the boundaries, do more and help people through their coming out process.
With more people coming out at younger ages, people need to reach out to people who work with younger people on a daily basis. I think the high school is a great place for this. There are numerous other events that high schools celebrate, why not celebrate this? Easier said than done. I think the key to the actual process in support. Coming out is not just a quick process, it takes time. When someone is LGBT they potentially have to come out in every new environment they become a part of. This brings up a lot of dangerous emotions: fear anxiety, helplessness. This also raises a lot of questions: Will I be accepted? Can I get this job? Will I be mocked by others? The list of emotions and questions can go on and on.
The media can be a powerful tool to both help and hurt the way specific groups are represented. In this case telling someone's coming out story can be powerful! Films, television shows, and other mediums can be an incredible way to help people know that "It gets better." There are other people out that look like, talk like, and have the same experiences so that the viewer can see them self. The media has this power because people want to see themselves in a television show, or in movie. People talk about identifying with characters from books and movies all the time. The better and more diverse representations help people to see that coming out is different for everyone.
While looking at films that have covered the topic of coming out there was not much out their for mainstream audiences. I was trying to think of films that covered the subject matter where one of the main characters of the film (a protagonist) had a major story arc where they came out of the closet. I could not think of a film from a major film company that has focused on this issue. While looking around the internet most of the films I found came from smaller film production companies that produce only only LGBT films.
Since the coming out process is an actual process showing this in a traditional film that is not a documentary is difficult because there is only potentially about a two hour window to explain every detail of the persons story. Television has done a much better job handling the coming out process. The major reason is because television shows have numerous episodes (hopefully) within numerous seasons (again hopefully) where the creator, writers, directors, and producers can help tell different stories.
I can think of so many different amazing coming out stories that help span a wide array of different experiences in television. Ellen opened up the celluloid closet door in 1997 when in her television show Ellen her character came out of the closet. This announcement in the television show also was Ellen's announcement to world that she was actually a lesbian. After this happened we experienced Ellen coming out to the different people in her life from her family to her friends to her co-workers and experienced what Ellen went through throughout this process.
One of the most entertaining and heartfelt coming out portrayals was in Will & Grace when its Thanksgiving and we find out that Jack, the most of openly gay character on the show has not come out to his mother. This show did a good job of showing that even the most proud people have a hard time coming out to their parents, and not wanting to disappoint the person they respect most. Not only was this episode hilarious, but it focused on emotional issues and provided Will & Grace with one of its best episodes in its entire eight seasons.
Ugly Betty creator Silvio Horta addressed Justin (Betty's nephew) sexuality in the last season of the show. Horta explained that his sexual orientation was not explored earlier because he was a only around 10 when the show started. Just met a boy in high school and had his first kiss on the show with him. The show tackled the another experience being gay, a teenager, and Latino. Ugly Betty also dealt with Mark's coming out to his mother in the first season. Mark's mother turned her back on him, and the episode showed that this happens as well. Mark had the support of Betty's family, and his best friend Amanda. This was one of the best shows at tackling LGBT issues.
The list of television shows that have tackled poignant coming out stories is long. Glee, has told Kurt's story and done an excellent job with the issues of coming out and dealing with bullies. Last year the reincarnation of 90210 developed a story line for one of their main characters Teddy. Teddy did not fit the mold of the typical gay male that many people often see in movies or television. Teddy was this an athlete, and broke stereotypes that people have about what "a gay man should be" or look like. I am not an avid viewer of this show but I did watch the different clips online about Teddy's coming out, and the show handled this story line so well. 90210 did not reinvent the wheel, but it put a new face to gay male and the struggles different has while coming out.
At the end of the day there is much more out there, but access is important. Younger people need to know that they are not alone, and see that there are stories out there, and in the end they can have someone to look up to as they come out. They need more people like Dan Savage in the media who is an out successful gay man (not an actor) who fights for a cause. I am proud to have grown up in a time when I actually have watched movies and seen TV shows where I see myself in the characters, unlike people who came before me. We need to continue to push the boundaries, do more and help people through their coming out process.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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