Earlier today, I was looking at the hits on the site and I noticed a lot of people were accessing my New Years Eve 2006 post (probably for the Space Needle picture). 2006 was a pretty crappy year, so I found myself a little embarrased to see so many people reading what I wrote that year.
Fortunately, this year was far better.
It wasn't perfect by any means, but a vast improvement over 2006 to be sure. These were some of the things I liked about 2007:

*Springsteen released a great new album with the E Street Band
*I discovered a great new band in Porcupine Tree
*I got a new job
*I reunited with my junior high school chum Huey, and we got the band back together
*I reunited with my high school journalism teacher and was finally able to thank her for the impact she had on me as a writer
*I won Jimi Hendrix's Guitar
*I Paid off my car
*I reunited with my old DJ potna' Nasty Nes and for one night, KCMU Rap Attack lived again (okay, lotsa reunions this year)
*Blogcritics named me a roving editor, and then just a few weeks later, a music editor

*Speaking of Blogcritics, I was finally able to meet up with that motley crew face to face in Vegas
*I got to act like a bigshot on a music critics panel in Vegas (unfortunately nobody showed up to the panel)
So this, was all good stuff. Of course, there was also the not so good stuff:
*On my new job, I learned that it isn't easy for an one-eyed guy to drive a huge van all over the place.
*The book still isn't done.

*Porcupine Tree did, about a week before I discovered they were my favorite new band. Yep, I missed em'.
*In spite of all the exposure I've gotten through Blogcritics, I've yet to find a gig that pays as a writer
*I spent far too many Friday and Saturday nights huddled in front of this damn computer.
*Friends continued to drift, even as those damned invitations to join AARP showed up in my mailbox with increasing frequency.
*Even though I'm still convinced that I'm the smartest person I know, I remain the poorest as well.
Still. overall not a bad year. Not a great one by any stretch, by definitely an improvement over the last several. So tonight is looking about the same as the past several New Years Eve's have looked.
I'll probably go grab a few beers at my local bar, The Rocksport. Then at midnight, I'll walk down the street to watch the annual ritual where they blow up the Space Needle. Then I'll probably screw around on the computer for awhile, and then watch a movie and crash.
Shit could definitely be worse. Of course, it could also be better.
So here's what I look forward to in 2008:
*Seeing Springsteen in March.
*Writing more articles both here and for Blogcritics.
*Doing the Blogworld convention in Vegas again next fall.
*A Democrat winning this fall.
*Porcupine Tree playing here, and me actually seeing them.
*Finishing the damn book.
*Getting it published
*Making a million, and retiring
*Drinking lots of beer.
*Marrying Alicia Keys
*Interviewing Little Steven (this one might actually happen)
*Recording a million selling album with Aruguis G
Now, that's not to much to ask for, is it? (well, a Democrat actually winning might be a long shot...)
Next Year baby.
Yeah thats the ticket.
Glen Boyd

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