It's true. Rush Limbaugh did quote me on his radio show yesterday. But before my Democratic and progressive friends make plans to run me out of town on a rail as a traitor to the cause, I need to put this into its proper context.
This past New Years, I wrote an article for Blogcritics Magazine called The Obama Disappointment. In the article, I expressed disappointment that the Obama administration hasn't done more to put people back to work -- an issue that is obviously very near and dear to my own heart right now, particularly after "celebrating" my first full year among the unemployed.
I also expressed my disappointment that Obama hasn't shown more of what I will call for lack of a better term, "balls," in standing up to his Republican opposition. I was disappointed then. And yes, I'm disappointed now.
Not long after the Blogcritics article was published, I was interviewed by the Associate Press (AP) for a larger piece about people who likewise feel let down by Obama thus far, after the promises of "hope and change" during the 2008 campaign. That article, which is the same one Rush quoted my comments from, can be read here.
The truth is I am a little disappointed in Obama. But does this mean I yearn for the rosy days of the Bush years...or that I'd like to give the Republicans another try? Absolutely not! They got us into this mess, and I have little confidence that their tired mantra of tax-cuts for the rich are the way to get us out. I just don't see anything or anyone they would sell us as the answer. Sarah Palin? Thanks, but no, thanks.
As for Rush quoting me, I don't know whether to be flattered or pissed. I liked it a lot more when Howard Stern did it a few years back...
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