Sunday, April 18, 2010

Glen's Job Search Adventures For The Week Ending 04/17/10

For the record this is month 16, week two (and a half). This week there was both good news and bad news. The bad news was that I learned that in addition to all the scams on the net that prey on the unemployed, and all the insurance companies willing to hire seemingly anyone willing to buy the license...that there are also those would-be employers who don't believe in follow-through.

This week I had two scheduled phone interviews where they simply never called. Of these, one later informed me that a decision had already been made, and the other never called at all. My question here is why contact me at all if you have zero intention of giving me any shot at all. But that's just how it is for those of us who managed to get caught being sucked down by the dying days of Bushonomics. The employers have all the power right now and the rest of us simply don't have much of a chance.

On the plus side, I did have one very promising phone interview which will be followed by an in-person interview next week. This is also a music-related gig which gives me reason for optimism, even if it is of the guarded type....
I'll keep you posted on how that goes. Till' then....will somebody...anybody... please stop referring to me as a former "legend" and just hire my ass, already? I'm quite content at this stage of my life with just working...former glories notwithstanding.

Till' next week...I'll try to keep on keeping the faith. Or something like that...

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