"Profit equals the ability to capture more than the average share of viewers. A tentpole film is one where you can seed the desire to see the film to everyone in every distribution
Now I do not want trivialize the words of Dr. King, but I think they can apply to film. Mr. Hendrickson wants to make movies that only make money because they "look" a specific way not because the content is actually good. The statement he made is extremely problematic, and why I think executives ruin films, and the industry they are trying to keep a float. Andy criticizes films made by his own company and the people who work on them.
The inner critic within me says "Bravo" criticizing these films is a great (because they are bad), but why couldn't the poor writing be fixed? Was the studio too concerned with the flare of the look of the film to forget there was a story attached. I know people who watch films to see something intentionally bad, but when films are marketed and intended to be good, and they fail, and you know they will in regards to content, why not strike a balance? I think producers are so consumed with the bottom line that the creativity in Hollywood is at an all time low. Alice in Wonderland is a live action version of another film (different plot) and Pirates is the fourth in a series. Disney like other companies wants things they can market, and the brand matters more, because it will get people to their theme park. Guess what Disney? People will go to your theme park anyway!
I am tired of Hollywood and companies like Disney treating quality films like the girl in a movie who people see as less desirable because she is wearing glasses and has a ponytail. Personality and content matter. In looking at box office numbers for this year, people have been more discerning with their money than ever before, and they are not going to always waste their money on bad films. Bad word of mouth will prevent a films success, for example Green Lantern. Green Lantern was a bomb in quality and in box office numbers. This past winter and spring saw some terrible box office numbers, those two seasons also had very few quality films available for audiences.
I am sure Andy cares about his films, but as executive his main concern is the bottom line. So how can creative people in Hollywood push back?- The bottom line matters.....but people are smart and want quality films (most of the time). Watching a bad movie can be fun, but I would rather have a movie where the writers, directors etc focus on the content more than look of the film. With bad word of mouth the fifth Pirates film could suffer, or sadly people could continue to follow another franchise blindly.
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